Thursday, November 18, 2010

Snow...I love It.

It has finally snowed in Edmonton.  Yay!  I'm one of those people, people don't care for, who love, love, love snow.  I don't ski, well I can, I just don't.  I'm not a huge outdoor activities person, well I'm bigger than I want to be.  ;)   I absolutely love to look at it, love to see it falling, love the way the trees look, love frost on everything, even my car window.  And I am crazy about hoar frost. (had to google that cause I spelt it the bad way first...woops.) 

Todays Question:  "Do you ever find yourself loving something that most people don't think you should...and wondering why?"

I do, and I think I solved the mystery of why I love snow so much.  I was born in Edson, it seriously snowed on my birthday...August 25th...yep...I'm not lying.  So I must have made the decision to love it way back when, because I was surrounded by it the majority of the time.  It snowed an awful lot in Edson.  My brothers and I used to jump from the garage roof into the snow...and we were allowed, so you know it wasn't the drop of doom, the snow was mere inches from the roof ledge. 

I also love the feelings that I get when the snow falls, it is difficult to define them completely but I'll try.  I get this amazing sense of warmth when I stand in front of a picture window looking out at the snow falling.  Lights of any kind do the most spectacular things with falling snow.  It's mesmerizing!  I'm content to stay home, in fact I long for home when I'm out.  I get urges to bake, and sometimes I enjoy cooking.  Weird hey?  I think ...

Winter is good for the soul, I honestly believe that.  I tend to want to fatten up and I've finally stopped that, thankfully I'm still 13 pounds down, could be a lean winter...let's hope.  I'm so looking forward to our first fire in our wood stove, there is nothing like the warmth from a wood fire, penetrates the heart.  People are all bundled up and moving quickly, remarkable how fast we can move when it's below freezing. 

Winter seems to bring about purpose, or maybe our survival instincts kick in and our minds clear.  Regardless, I love what winter does to people, okay some of the drivers may be experiencing brain freeze, but other than that snow in it's wonderful white purity always reminds me of God.  Beautiful beyond description and way too marvelous for words.

My Prayer:  "Be held and warmed today by God's unconditional love for you."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day.

1 comment:

  1. Aw, you make me want to love the snow too! Usually I do love it for all the same reasons you mentioned, but only 'til after new years. Then I've had enough ;-)
    This year, I'm not happy with it. That probably has something to do with having to bundle up two kids in order to do anything at all.
