Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ok...Change is Good.

I can't believe how much better I feel eating as a vegan.  I've done this before but something has shifted this time and I've got clearer vision.  Maybe it's because I haven't had that extremely uncomfortable over stuffed feeling.  I get that when I eat meat whether I eat little or much.  I also have a clearer mind, if you know me you know how much I need that.  ;)

Today's Question:  "Do you think change is good?"

I am usually a kicker against change, as in I change but I do it kicking and screaming.  This change has given me peace and I don't really understand why.  I truly believe that my focus on what I can have instead of what I can't has made all the difference.  This is what I want.  Normally when I fast I'm counting down the days until I can eat what I want again, this time I'm wishing I'd have committed to more and that's a huge change.  The biggest question I have is could I do this for a lifetime.  I think maybe I could if I gave myself meat holidays, seriously breaking my turkey on Christmas and Thanksgiving tradition would be too hard.  Easter ham...oh my...and then there is that bacon I grew up on.  Maybe I'll eat that on Valentines Day and Family Day...ha!  Silly I know.  My fear...which I know is the opposite of faith, is that if I eat meat once then I'll want it again.  Decisions to change are often as difficult as the changes themselves. 

This is what I know, if I want results I'll have to chose to change each and every day, and it will be a series of daily choices only I can make, wouldn't it be nice if someone else could make these dietary changes for us, in a painless way.  Sadly, changes never manifest when they are mere dreams and that is what I'm doing now.  My day at a time. 

My Prayer:  "God help us all to chose wisely making the most of each and every decision."

Be Blessed with a Beautiful Day.

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