Saturday, January 8, 2011

It's Working!

I'm so glad to report that I am now down two pounds.  Once again I've returned to the double digits and posting, but not boasting, a staggering 11 lb drop.  Ha.  I know it's pitiful but it is so much better than up, I also know I really have a distaste for having to relighten this load repeatedly.  I think when I'm truly tired of the taste this pattern leaves in my mind...I'll knock it off. 

I must say I'm enjoying the method, eating only foods that are God made is working, saying fairwell to sugary sweets and junk hasn't been that hard at all.  Shocking!

Todays Question:  "Do you ever wonder why we are such creatures of habit?"

I am surprised by how often I have to learn the same lessons.  I guess I'm not really learning them.  Doh!

We have been having some water issues at the farm, we have lots of water, but our normally wonderful non- smelling water has decided that it should resemble the smell of either a sulfer plant or a backed up sewer that has been untreated.  I can't drink it, even what comes from the distiller, I can't stand bathing in it so I have avoided that like the plaque.  I apologize for that, I am doubling up on perfume and deodarant to compensate, don't panic I've only been able to avoid bathing for one day so far.  ;)   I've become a hoser, as in I hose off as quick as possible and get out.  We've had it tested, the water that is, and it's safe.  Ha.  High in calcium, botanticals and some other things I can't remember or pronounce.  "It's fine to use.", said the water man, "Bull pooh.", said I, no wait that's just what it smells like.  I double bleached my sheets, and quad-Bounced them, in an attempt to mask the smell.  Gord says, "I can't smell anything."  Jenny says, "Ahhhhhhhhh the stink!", as she burries her head in her duvet trying to avoid the smell.  No one with a nose as sensitive as mine should have to deal with smelly water.  I keep running it at random intervals hoping I'll some how wash away it's smell by over use.  Oh me oh my!

I find myself wishing that weight gain had a horrible smell.  I'm sure that if it did people like me, hyper sensitive nosers, would never gain another pound.  I'd be so motivated these 40 lbs I have left would be gone in 60 days, I wanted to say 60 seconds but I'm trying to realistic. 

So...since wishes are not horses, this beggar shall not be riding.  I am however planning to buy a wonderful machine that filters all the smell and icky poohs out of my water, in mere hours the ordors and imperfections shall be gone. I know that for me that will not happen until I stand face to face with Jesus, and then all my odors and imperfections shall be gone in an instant.  Oh what a glorious day that shall be.

My Prayer:   "Help us to keep the motivations of our hearts and our attitudes from stinking Lord."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

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