Sunday, January 2, 2011

I Plan to...?

I think I'm avoiding a plan. It may well be my New Year's Resolution and I'm not normally a fan of those.  I beleive they encourage discouragement and sorry for repeating myself, I'm not a fan.  However, when you see something that works and you know that it could work for you perhaps resolving to give it a try wouldn't be such a bad idea.  So...

Today's Question:  "Are you ever surprised by the simple things that make a huge difference in a life?"

Our beautiful daughter-in-law Chantel is a very petite girl, I was shopping with her yesterday and she got two pairs of jeans...I hope your sitting, size 0.  Is that a number?  Does it mean 0 fat?  Chantel is the only person I know who wears a size 0.  I was also with my beautiful niece Amy, size 1, I was just adjusting to the 0 and I was hit with two people in one store whose size was a single digit.  What the heck?  My point before I got sidetracked, Chantel decided a couple months ago that see needed to lose weight, maybe she was a size .5 at the time.  She wanted to get rid of her baby weight. (I've carried mine for 29 years.) Chantel has the most beautiful little girl named Scarlett Lee who is seven months old.  Grandma moment.  :)   She simply quit eating sugar and made healthy choices picking foods that are God made over man made.  Not the first person to do that, just the first person I've paid attention to who did it.  Two months later she has lost all her baby weight plus.  She's a very self-motivated young woman who gets the Nike slogan completely...."Just Do It."

And so this is my plan, I'm going to follow that tiny daughter-in-law of mine and eat what God made, avoid sugar and junk, she treats herself from time to time, I have to follow that.  I have no delusions of being a size 0 however I have the potential to reach a combined size of Amy and Chantel which would be 10.  A realistic goal.  I'm resolving not to resolve my friends I'm just going to plan to do it. 

It's been a long time since I've written, felt to many times and didn't, sorry about that on so many levels.  I have not ballooned to an all time high, I am still down 9 pounds and grateful.  I know that it could have been much worse as years have shown me exactly how much weight a person can gain over the holidays.  A couple pounds for me is...almost a miracle on 56street.    The Christmas carols may be over but I'm still rejoicing.

I have also moved my exercise bike from the city house to the farm house, I plan to use it!  Shocking.  I got a wonderful inversion table from Chantel and Gordon for Christmas, I'm going to hang upside down and see if I can get my weight from my belly to my head.  If I seem a little big headed in a month or so make no comments, just look at my skinny ankles.  :)

My Prayer:  "Lord help me, and all those who like me, need your direction and guidance to overcome in the areas we struggle.  Remind us that if you are for us Lord, who can be against us?  Help us not to come against oursevles."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

(And a very Happy New Year taken one day at a time.)

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