Friday, January 28, 2011


Today begins day 5 of my 21 day fast and I have to tell you....I feel great.  I have a clearer mind, way more energy and I'm not being ruled by that horrible food monster anymore.  I have decreased my load by three pounds and I am once again...11lbs lighter.  Should I say hello again, where have you been or stick around this time?  It would appear I get to decide.

Todays Question:  "Why don't I stick with what I know works when it makes me feel so much better?"

I'm not starving, contrary to what I thought.  I'm not craving anything and I"m enjoying the things I get to eat and focusing on that.  It's way easier when you don't focus on what you can't have.  Duh! 

It has been a very hectic week filled with some sad changes for some wonderful heart aches over the things we have to go through on this earth.  My heart yearns for heaven and the wonders it will hold.  I am so looking forward to eternal life.  I'm so glad that I have a sure hope and I feel very sorry for people who don't.  I find I'm thinking about what it must be like to be an Atheist, some comments made, an article I read, got my mind going.  Early this morning I lay thinking about who I'd rather be when it's time for my life on earth to pass.  Someone who has a future ahead of them and beleives there is more, or someone whose life is simply over, done.  Seemed a no brainer to me but I guess their life on earth means more to them than mine does to me.  No doubt the people I love have whole sections of my heart and I don't want to leave them before my time...however...I know one day my time will come.  And when it does knowing that I will be with the people I love me all the strength I need to keep going in either home.  Praise God.

I pray that today you will find your way through what may seem like a valley of struggles.  I ask that God give you the peace that goes past all that you can understand.  I ask that He will fill you with a measure of joy that is uncontainable as you consider all that He has prepared for you.  I ask that He remind you of what a treasure you are to Him.  Would that the eyes of your heart be opened wide enough to catch a glimpse of His unfailing and unconditional love for you.  He know you completely and loves you still.  I pray you know how blessed you are.  :)

Have a Very Remarkable Day!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Jenny ~ your thoughts really touched my heart again! It's just good to know a faithful loving Father who takes care of us who are willing & loves us enough to comfort us, through the storms. You are a dear & beautiful lady who allows God to speak through you in ways that mean the most.
    Be encouraged today & every day, know that we out here love what you have to say & you give good advice.

    Love & a Hug ~ WJM
