Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Resistance is Futile

I started out on my no sugar, no junk food quest with a vengenance, I'm now realizing that a good start does not mean a good finish....SO?

Todays Question:  "Do you ever start out thinking...this is it and end up thinking...this is so not it?"

I've done that so many times I cannot count them anymore so I've decided to join in my missionary friends  Daniel fast that starts Monday.  I seriously need something to kick start me back on that road that leads to success.  I would really like to be fifty one pounds lighter by the very first day of September, 2012.  The "they sayers" say that you have to set goals, and I'm more of a nay sayer in that area, when it comes to weight droppings.  I have successfully set and completed goals in past, I can do this.

My wonderful husband purchased a HD DVD player for me, weeks ago, that was my excuse for not using the half dozen exercise videos I bought myself for Christmas.  Seriously, I had nothing to play them on or I would have worked out every day.  So now that I have this machine you may be wondering how many times I've worked out to these videos over the weeks.  I assure you I"ve thought about it everyday since getting the machine, however, actual work out time is one half hour...exercised once, as in one day, one time...yep once.  I told you before I was a regular Jane Fonda, that means I'm not the real deal, just a regular actress, as in I keep acting like I'm a workout expert.  Apparently having the necessary equipment and a mass of videos does not a Janey make.

Let me tell what I own, a rebounder, I was going to bounce myself to skinny.  A treadmill, walking to slim town.  A 6 pack of weights, my muscles were going to eat up fat.  Two yoga/pilates floor mats, stretching to the heavens so I'd be taller and look skinnier.  Two floor balls, rolling the fat off.  One Eliptical Trainer, works the entire body so I'd be smaller in the proper proportions.  (Please note my fat is evenly packed...thank God.)  My Inversion Machine, planning to hang upside down until the only thing fat on me is my head.  So far I've go the fat head thing down.  :)  

The thing about tools, you have to use them.  My resistance to this process has been successful...I'm hoping that my resistance will become futile.  I need to give in to the process and end this battle.

My Prayer:  "Lord you have said that the horse is made ready for battle but our victory is found in You, please help us to overcome the battles."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

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