Wednesday, September 1, 2010

One Year Today

So here it is...I wondered where I would be in one years time and I'm at 15 pounds down, it would be more but yesterday, as timing would have it, was counseling day, it started at 11am and ended at 10pm, which means I spent way too much time sitting on my butt, which means swelling that causes water retention and weight gain.

Todays Question: "So...what's changed?"


I no longer eat to fill voids, the majority of the time, I confess to still being a little bit of an emotional eater. After one year I stopped walking into my homes, either one, and going straight to the fridge. I don't pig out anymore. Shocking I know. I am surprised by how little food it takes to fill up on. I like being 15 pounds lighter and when I saw the button my daughter made for my 50th birthday party I was shocked. I think 7 of the pounds I dropped came right off my face. I'm surprised that I've kept the weight off for a year. That is not the norm I assure you. I like how I look!

I could come up with more things I like, more things that have changed but you get the point. I will add that for me the biggest changed has been scriptural. I'll explain. For years I had this verse on my fridge; "A person is a slave to whatever has mastered them." I was a slave to food, it ruled my life, consumed my every thought, while I was busy consuming it. Breakfast over, lunch coming, lunch done, what's for dinner, and what shall I snack on throughout the day? That was me. I still don't like to miss a meal, however food is no longer the highlight of my day. I can say no and it is my choice. For years it seemed like some outside force controlled me. I knew it was me but it was so much easier to blame that evil food devil. He made me eat too much, his super powers forced my mouth open and threw chocolate almonds, chips, etc., down my throat. Ok I chewed, but I was powerless. Horse pooh, bull pooh, what a liar.

We have got to confess our sin, got to face it, got to admit it and got to own it. Until we's got us. Once we do, we can forgive ourselves for our past mistakes, take our power back and get over it. Move on.

And that is what this last year has highlighted for me...truth. The truth about who I am, what I give in to, how I act, react and what I do when I feel sorry for myself. Pitiful I know...however

"If God is for me, who can be against me?" And my friends I assure you, God is for you. God does want to help you, does want you to chose better, live better and be free. God is not ignoring you, He is waiting for you, patient with you, wanting you to make better choices for the overall well being of your....SELF!!!!

He truly wants to bless matter what you struggle with.

I can get through any year, a lifetime for that matter, with the knowledge that God is for me. Thank you for walking with me this past year, your encouragment and faithfulness has blessed me...I pray you be blessed as well.

Have a Wonderful Day

My Prayer: "God please guide us and help us to get wisdom, to get understanding and to apply what we learn along the way."


  1. Thanks for blogging, Jenny. Reading your blog has made me aware that I'm an emotional eater too, and your posts are daily reminders to be concious of what I eat. I don't always make good choices (usually don't), but I'm starting to try more often. You're an inspiration.

  2. Here's to another year of discovery and growth! You are amazing and I love your willingness to keep learning and to be pushed out of your comfort zone.


  3. Thank Joanna and Christan, you are both such a blessing and encouragement to me. :)
