Monday, May 3, 2010

Paying The Price

Yesterday was sugar day for me, it's the one day a week I allow myself to have one sugar treat.  My choice, a banana split from the Dairy Queen.  Normally it's a large dipped cone. However, the day before yesterday I decided I'd have a small cup of icecream from that same DQ, and then on Sunday, I'd have another small cup to make my quota.  That plan flew out the window faster than a trapped bird.  Not only did I have a banana split but when I saw the package of Rolos in the fridge, I was having popcorn for a snack, I knew I was in for trouble.  Please note I did not buy those Rolos, my wonderful husband did.  He thought we could share them when we had our popcorn.  Normally I'd have said, "Why one pack?"  But since I wasn't supposed to have any more sugar treats I said, "Great idea honey."  Oh the price I'm paying this morning.

Todays Question:  "Do you ever suffer from the seems like a good idea at the time, disorder?"

I think I have that condition on a weekly basis.  Not only did I get a sugar headache from the treats, but I also have very sore muscles today.  I weighed and it's a pound of icecream, popcorn, a half a pack of rolos, and did I mention the Teen burger and Onion rings from the A&W we had for lunch.  I only had shrimp for supper, I'm not totally out of control people.  So, what's the good news?

This is the first weekend in at least 3 weeks that I've had a not so good day.  I won't call it bad because I assure you, as bad as that sounds, I've had and done way worse.  I never really surrendered to a feeding frenzy.  It was more like, I really just want some treats.  Not 100 just a few.  So I did it, it's over and today is another day.  Not going to beat myself up, I'm not mad because I gained a pound. I did get lots of exercise yesterday, more than I really wanted actually.  This weekend we moved a bunch of stuff to declutter and ready our current home for sale. 

And now for the heart of the matter, or should I say the emotions.  I'm fairly confident that I ate those extras this weekend to comfort myself.  Ok I'm 100% sure that's why I ate them.  I had the first icecream after the first loads were delivered to the other house.  I had the second icecream, A&W, Rolos and popcorn after the second loads were delivered.  Oh dear.   Once again this emotional eater is comforting herself with food.  I'm speaking in the third person because I don't want to acknowledge what I'm saying.  It helps.  Denial isn't always it? 

I have to confess that prior to the "" of my emotions, I knew it was coming.  I could feel it.  I brushed it off.  I should have felt it, thought it through and made better choices.  When I compromised the first time, I knew I do it again.   I am happy that I'm becoming aware of my emotional eatings habits before hand, and for the most part I do not give in to them.  It is a small voice, no yelling and way too easy to ignore, but I'm hearing it.  And I really don't want to miss the significance of that voice.  It is the key to facing all the things we find in our hearts.  The feelings we want to ignore but those feelings we'd be better off to embrace, with or without tears. 

My Prayer:  "Lord help us to face our fears, embrace our tears and trust that you will carry us through any changes that come our way.  Teach us to trust in your leading and to listen to that still small voice that speaks the truths we don't always want to hear."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day.  


  1. I frequently find myself in the same situation. Once I've said yes to one thing, it's a downward spiral. I wish I could just have that "one thing" without having to contend with all the others that sneak in behind it.

  2. How true, Jenny.....I need to trust God to carry me through those changes that come my way, to face my fears - knowing that God will bring us out & into something that is needed & best for us! "Face to embrace" comes to my mind when I see the need for change! Love you & I am praying for you through all the moving, sorting & decluttering! You have amazing strength & wisdom, Jenny which is very encouraging:) Blessing-WJM
