Saturday, August 21, 2010

Woe is Me

I'm so sorry I haven't written for a while. I've been in this state of, I know what's coming, arrived. That would be the day (yesterday) my beautiful daughter, took her adorable son and wonderful husband to Austria, then Spain for 21 long, drug out, (did I say drug out, I meant to say I'll be drugged out) days...for a vacation. They are off to a wedding in a castle in Spain after a 10 day trollop over the hills in Austria. Nice for them...I was supposed to go too with my husband, sad story, house didn't sell, some repairs from flooding, and here I am at home whinning. Did I say whinning, I meant pining. They left yesterday, feels like they've been gone forever.

Todays Question: "Do you ever hear yourself complaining when you know you have so much to be grateful for?"

I do. My best friend Lucie brought me flowers, a London Fog and a new vase, she was here at the farmhouse less than an hour after I said goodbye. I wasn't allowed to go to the airport, Tessa mentioned something about crying too much and upsetting Zayin, he of course would want to stay and comfort Grandma. Whatever!!!! Chantel my wonderful daughter-in-law brought the most adorable Scarlett to visit Grandma last night. You see how blessed I am.

And still...I miss them so much. The meow meows, as Zayin called them went missing in the afternoon, hoped they'd come home. Met the neighbors in my search, but sadly no kitties and the coyotes abound outside the 4 acres of fenced safety. Silly kitties.

Yesterday seems to be a reflection of how complex and ever changing emotions are, perhaps I needed to be reminded of that. It is possible to feel so blessed and be sad at the same time. It is amazing to recognize how wonderful the people around you can be, and still miss the ones who think vacations should be part of life. I mean they should, but wouldn't it be nice if Grandma got to go on every vacation the grandkids went on. I seriously don't know how you people survive when your children live in other towns, never mind countries. It is still so hard for me to be away from my children and I'm certain it always will be. Add Grandkids to the mix and it feels like the ache from their absence magnified times a hundred. I didn't think it could.

The woe is me girl will be okay, I'll take one day at a time, counting down days, praying, crying when things remind me of them, everything does. And then it will be September 10 and I'll race to the airport early, look at my clock a million times and cry like a baby when I see those children of mine. I'm pitiful I know but I seriously pray:

"Lord help every mother and every father to see how truly amazing the gift of a child is. Let us rejoice and know that we are so blessed to have them, let us treat them like the treasures they are all the very long days of their lives, no matter how young or how old they are."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

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