Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Return of the Jedi

I've decided to look at my return to 15lbs lighter in the same manner Star Wars fans looked forward to those multiple sequels. With great enthusiam and loud rejoicing and celebrating. I'll skip the talking about the movies endlessly part. Star Wars fans are in the same 'odd obsessive' place as those Star Trek fans, my husband is one of them. I thought since people get so excited about things that are not real, that I should be overjoyed by something that is, and even though it's a rerun, ok it's a rerun, rerun, rerun, I'm still very happy to be seeing that 15lb drop...again.

Todays Question: "Is it wrong to like reruns?"

I hope not because I do...some things are worth seeing again. Some things are worth saying again and some things are worth doing again. I never get tired of the sunrise, always love the look on my granchildrens faces when they see me, get overwhelmed by the kind words so many beautiful people speak into my life, am so blessed to be so blessed every single day. I never get tired of knowing that God is for me. Can't imagine a life without the constant love of my husband, friends and family. So much of what we do is a rerun.

I know that laundry is one of those things we all get tired of, I know that dishes are the rerun of the century. I'm aware that the same jobs you did yesterday will need to be done again today. But here is something else I've noticed during the reruns, when I can't do any of the above things due to health/emotional issues, I long for them.

There is something remarkable about the same old same old. Something of great worth and value. I've been the same Jenny for years, most of my life is a rerun of the same old me, however, every once in a while I change, remarkable I know! My entire being shifts, my beleif systems, my mind sets, my what I thought I knew changes into what I now know. And that my friends keeps me going through the reruns of life. Those devine sparks of light that remind me that I am made in the image of a most Holy God. I see reruns of my life in others, I see myself and others get stuck in false mindsets, and then I see God change our minds. A new person emerges and a new life begins and it's's liberating. And then I get stuck again...and then He changes me again...and then I get stuck again...and then He changes me again...reruns. They are great!!!

So when your Jedi returns look up...He came to change your mind. The things you hate doing you will one day long to do. All my babies via different routes have their own homes now, they have their own works, their own purposes, tasks, etc., I miss the smell of their clothes, I miss cooking for them, I miss spontaneous hugging, I miss our evening prayers and bible times...I miss so much...and then I remember this is the way God set and I press on, because so much more awaits me...if I don't get stuck in a rerun.

My Prayer: "God help us to enjoy the repeats in life, help us to see the value in constant actions of love. Remind us that You are always working on our behalf and very often watch us do the same stupid things over and over again. Thanks for loving us regardless of our tendency to be repeat offenders and thanks so much for Jesus and the fact that He paid the price once for all."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

1 comment:

  1. I love your attitude and I love reading your blog! Keep the posts coming :)
