Tuesday, June 22, 2010

For Obvious Reasons

Yesterday I took a break from my blog after stepping on the scale.  For obvious reasons I'd gained, for obvious reasons I decided not to write.  Too much food on Saturday night and Sunday night too much of my mom's delicious potato salad.  Ok fine, I had a chocolate dipped ice cream cone from the DQ, it was sugar Sunday and Father's Day, Dave, Tessa and Zayin picked up a treat for dad.  So what I'm not a dad, I helped him become one.  That totally counts.

Todays Question:  "Why is it so easy to fall into old habits and so hard to break them?"

I think the answer is, I enjoy some of my old habits. Not all of them but some.  Ice cream is not something I usually crave, but in the summer I love those blasted chocolate dipped cones from the DQ and tiger ice cream from anywhere.  I forgot my husband surprised me with one of those cones on Friday night at the condo, I told him it wasn't sugar Sunday and he said; "It's tiger, your favorite."  You see why I love him.  I have always liked ice cream in the summer.  Gord did mention something about sharing and I let him have a bite, but then I just smiled and ate my ice cream.  Gordon and Chantel also brought me a yummy Starbucks drink and one of those big yummy sour suckers.  I'm surprised I didn't gain more weight on the weekend.  It would appear I've taught my family to reward me with food, humm, or did I mean yummm.  :)

If you are wondering how bad the gain was, only 2 pounds, and this morning I'm happy to report they are both gone, so as I suspected most of it was gain from driving and sitting, two things that do not promote weight loss.  Please ignore all the other things I listed that would apply to that last sentence.  I'm just happy that one day of smarting up, equals no gain from a three day long weekend.  Oh life is good.

So back to the schedule that is my life, and back to eating healthy and moving more.  I started yesterday by mowing lawn and cleaning yard for over two hours in the hot sun.  That will sweat the pounds off in a hurry. 

My Prayer:  "Lord help us all to remember that one day at a time was your suggestion.  We cannot change what happened yesterday, we can change today.  I'm so glad that you never change."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

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