Sunday, June 20, 2010

Lost my I-Phone.

It has been a wonderful weekend away, such a blessing to get to spend time with my baby boy and his beautiful wife and daughter.  Time to go home now and I have this sick feeling in my stomach because I can't find my I-Phone and I feel like such a loser...meaning I lost something of value...not relating to my entire life of course.  I had it yesterday morning and have not touched it since.  I called Tessa to make sure things were ok with the horses and that is the last time I can remember having it.  I was sure I put it in my purse when we went to town, thought I heard the text noise peep as we got into the truck, looked for it and could not find it.

Todays Question:  "Why didn't I look on the ground to see if it had fallen out of my purse when I heard that beep?"

I keep asking mself that question and the answer is, I was too busy thinking I'd left it at home.  In other words I had the answer without doing the proper research.  And research is important.  If that phone is in this condo I don't know where.  I went back to the two places I'd been and searched, nothing.  I fear someone has a new I-Phone since my son tells me the sim card can be changed out, mine will get chucked, and voila new I-Phone for some dirty rotten little theif...ooops...did I just write that.  I'll forgive them later, right now I'm annoyed. 

I keep going back and forth between disgust with myself and anger that the person who found it isn't answering it or the texts we've sent asking them to call if they have it.  Then I think maybe it's here in the condo and I just can't find it.  Or maybe I ran it over and someone threw the leftovers in the garbage, or maybe it's sitting on a shelf at Home Hardware, or maybe.......arrgh!

I do not like not knowing where my phone is.  I do not like losing things and I'm so happy that I have not had to step on a scale for 3 days.  I really don't need anything else to irritate me.  I was doing really well until I lost my phone yesterday.  Apparently I eat when I do dumb things, I was happy that I discovered that last night, as opposed to yesterday at noon when I lost my phone.  I caught myself and stopped after I ate the bag of healthy granola and a big sour sucker, oh and a few potatoe chips after the big yummy supper I made.  Oh dear!

My Prayer:  "God please help me to find my phone, my fault, my carelessness, and once again me not listening to a prompting.  Could I get more than one reminder to listen in the future please.  And Happy Father's Day to the best father in the whole world...that would be you.  Also grateful for all the others."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you Jenny! You always encourage me, even when things happen that you don't expect. Hang in there, friend ~ you're loved & appreciated! WJM
