It's been one of those days where I'm struggling to find the motivaiton to write and I think I'm having what I like to call a "crash". I define that as a day when I hit the wall. Crash works for me because that's what it feels like. I'm lacking energy, zip, and that pizzaz stuff that for some reason reminds me of pizza. I love the english language, even when I kill it.
Todays Question: "How do you motivate yourself to take action?"
Answer, you just begin. I sit here ready to type my blog without motivation and I'm writing, things are flowing. Not sure where the flow will end but I started and I think that is the key to self-motivation. Doing what we know we need to do, even when we don't feel like doing it, that would be my definition. I really just want to put my head down and sleep. I really want to be fifty one pounds lighter without the work, I really want energy and I don't have it.
Sometimes I think what we all need is to take a load off and just sit, without guilt and without self condemnation. Relax and let our minds wander. Dare to dream, dare to think about what's really going on inside. I try to avoid that at all cost but today if I was honest, and that is my desire, I would tell you that I don't feel like blogging, I don't feel like cleaning my house, I don't feel like talking, I don't feel like doing anything. Why? I'm tired, pure and simple, nothing to complicated about that. I need to sit in my quiet house, in my comfy chair and just be still. It's good for my soul.
I am down a pound, that makes me very happy as I'm seeing the weight from Africa come off quickly. Thank God. I have to tell you I'm way too tired to rejoice over that with any enthusiasm, I am happy but I can't even stand the thought of bouncing off the walls right now. I think I want everyone to know that it's okay to be tired. I think we all need to embrace our own inabilities and realize that we are human and we need rest. So I'm not going to stop blogging, I will do what I have committed to do. But, I don't have to pretend it's always easy just to impress someone. I can just say, today I was "almost" too tired to blog.
I love getting older, it truly does make you wiser, at least smart enough to know when enough is enough and it's time to rest.
Be blessed with a wonderful and "restful" day.
I'm on day two of sit and rest. I thought one day would be enough...who knew I'd need more than one? And who knew there were more people in the world needing the exact same thing. Today I am thankful for the grace to rest.