Friday, February 12, 2010

Fabulous Friday

I love Friday and I know so many of you share that joy with me.  I actually love every day of the week because they are coming whether I like it or not so I might as well enjoy them.  I am baffled by how fast a week goes by and even more amazed at how the years slip past.  I remember my mom telling me when my kids were little that I would turn around and they'd be grown so I should enjoy them while they were little.  I had Calvin and Tessa both in diapers at the time and Darren and Scott living with us, add Gord being out of town for most of our 26 years, and you'll understand why I didn't beleive her.  For those of you who know Gord and I have been together for 31 years, he's been home now every night for the last 3 plus. There were times when Gord had a job here and there that brought him for a few months or so, but for the most part it was me and the kids going whereever he was to visit.  It was interesting and challenging but I'm sure that's why I have such adventurous kids.  They learned to travel lots and well.  Gordon Jr. was more like his mom, we like home, but just like I travel now for reasons other than me, I travelled then so the kids and I would get to spend more time with Gord.  It was always fun once we got to him.

I am feeling very reflective this morning and I find myself amazed at how fast time flies.  I remember being 12 and feeling like it took forever to get to 13, 14 took too long because I wanted my learners permit, 15 dragged by while I waited for 16 and a drivers license.  I'm telling you it felt like forever to finish grade 12 and turn 18 so I could vote, be considered an adult and even drink, wasn't a fan of drinking but wanted to be able to go anywhere I wanted.  Once I hit 20 the looking forward to getting a year older seemed to pass, I've never minded aging, you just stop waiting and maybe that's why life seems to zip by after 20, you stop waiting for the landmark years and start dreading them instead.  I can honestly tell you that I've never minded growing older, I really do feel like I get a little wiser every year and since I had such a shortage of wisdom I guess looking forward to gaining it interested me. 

Todays Question:  "Do you see every year as a gift and the potential for growth?"

I know way too many people who don't and it makes me sad.  Life was meant to be savoured and lived, you can't have it both ways, either you die, which I'm also looking forward to, and stop the aging process or you live and age.  So what?  I mean so what if we have wrinkles and our skin gets a little loose, we are merely learning to relax.  So what if there are younger and prettier people in the world, trust me on this one, there always has been.  So what if your bones ache a little, at least you know you have them.  I never even thought about my bones when I was young.  So what if I don't move as fast as I used to, I'm taking more time to smell the roses.  So what if my bra has more work to do now than it ever did, it's finally earning the big bucks I had to spend to get it.  So what if the thought of a thong makes me cringe, I don't have to be that cool I'm going for comfort people.  I refuse to sacrifice this wonderful gift of life God has given me for the complaint department.  I want to grow old with grace and I want to die to live forever in that same grace and thanks to God I will.

So, rejoice my friends, life is short no matter the number attached to you when you die.  Thanks to Jesus you'll live happily ever after regardless of how long you thought you were living.  I think life truly begins when you die and I always will.  I will to enjoy all!

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.

1 comment:

  1. Good thoughts Jen...I remember when we would say together in Beaumont, that "the best is yet to come"! How true & wise that little phrase keeps being for me. Treasured friends/family & time spent with them (even over the computer which I am grateful for to have) what life is all about. Thanks for bringing back to me - the importance of keeping balanced in life & to remember what really is important. Congratulations to you & Gord on this special Valentines' w/k for being able to continue celebrating your deep love for each other...the years sure do fly by quickly! It's great to be experiencing this wonderful life together with the special men in our lives! Love you Gord & Jenny <3 <3
