Thursday, October 1, 2009


I have no great reason for today's title other than, it's October and I love that word.  It just sounds so cool.  No other month can compare or has the punch needed to spit out Oktoberfest.  Maybe it has something to do with the fact that my husband's half German.  Silly me.

Beleive it or  not I have been blogging for one month today.  Wow, these are the surprises in numerical order that I have experienced:

1. I didn't die of starvation.
2. I haven't felt uncomfortably full in a month.  (Can I say again...didn't die, shocking.)
3.  The scale, although still the enemy, has no control over how I'm eating.  This is a big one for
      me because I used to eat if I didn't see results.  Okay, let's be honest, I ate when I did see results was cause for celebration.  If I weighed the same I ate same, if it ain't broke, don't fix it.  :)
4.  I am surprised by how much better my clothes feel and look.
5.  I don't feel like I'm being deprived.
6.  I'm losing weight eating what I really want.  Turns out less is more.
7.  I am paying attention to how I feel.
8.  I'm not allowing myself to feed my emotions, I'm feeling them.  Let me tell you, this can be painful.
9.  I'm not jealous of what other people are eating because I'm having what I want...remember I ate
     a banana split for supper once.
10. I feel like I have regained control over my life.  I'm no longer a slave to food.

There are more, but remember, I'm learning not to over do things.

I feel better, still some aches and pains but no where near as many.  I have more energy, okay not running any marathons, but can now breathe normally after climbing the stairs.  I am loving the process.  That is so surprising, I was so...

Today's Question:  "What's the word that defines feelings you've never felt before?"

I don't know either, but I was so  ________!  Yep, that's how I felt.  I made a choice, I made a commitment and I'm doing it.  I love that I have no time limit.  I can honestly tell you that I have had some sad thoughts about reaching my goal of fifty one pounds.  I'm so enjoying this process that I really don't want it to end.  I also commit to not self-sabotage so I can keep writing, maybe I'll just commit to lose that extra ten or twenty from never never land.  As in I "never" think I could be that slim again.

I have found something I pray you all find in any area you wrestle with, HOPE!!!  Yep, I didn't realize it but I'd stopped hoping I could get this weight off.  I lacked the evidence and I didn't beleive in myself.  I also didn't think this was an area where God would help me, I knew better but I kept drowning out His voice with potatoe chips.  I'm listening now and He's still speaking words of love and affrimation.  I'm so blessed and I pray you are all....

Blessed with a wonderful and hopeful day.


  1. How does "satisfied" work? I felt so satisfied. It works in more ways than one. It's a word that describes fulfillment without the overindulgence of "over"doing it. Perhaps it hasn't been fully "felt" before because it's never been completely balanced. Wow, so profound. Welcome to the land of the content.

    (Phil. 4:11) "for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances"

  2. I love it MistE..thanks...content/satisfied. :)
