Saturday, April 3, 2010


So today is the day we celebrate waiting...and to think I said wait was a four letter word.  Oh my.  What am I waiting for you may ask...Sunday.  Good Friday leaves every believer waiting for Sunday, and what a great lesson that is for me on how significant a wait can be.

Todays Question:  "Do you ever think you hate something only to find out later it's one of the most important requirements to reaching not only your goals but your destiny.

Apparently I'm guilty of just that.  How rude!  In a previous blog, not that many days ago I wrote about how I hate the word wait.  Only thing I liked waiting for was Jesus, I didn't even consider the wait that changed the world, I was talking about how much I love that my wait for him means heaven and a restored world.  Now I'm realizing that the anticipation of a wait for something remarkable is so worth it.  And that makes me realize that no matter how long it takes any of us to reach our goals, whether they are about weight, or working hard to get that promotion, degree etc., it all requires effort and waiting.  There really haven't been that many things in my life that haven't been worth the wait and my impatient self deceived my reasoning self for a time.  But that time is again I thank God for showing me where I err.  I like waits, especially ones that mean the end is not the end, as in that tomb is empty three days later and we all have access to God through Christ. 

I am fifty one years old and I am still figuring out who I am.  Does that surprise you?  It sure surprises me, you would think that after all this time I'd have figured me out.  Turns out I'm extremely complicated and often delusional.  I'll work on that while I'm figuring out how to change a lifetime of bad eating habits and wrong thoughts.  I look forward to the day with an anticipation I can handle, when I know my weaknesses and overcome them, as opposed to giving in to them.  What a glorious day that will be.

I'm so glad I have to wait for things, I can hardly beleive I wrote that.  I really thought wait was a four letter word.  Turns out wait has been the best teacher.  The mind is sharp when it's waiting for something, it's tuned in and turned on, looking for that result and that answer that has yet to be found, knowing the answer is there just around the corner, waiting and searching to find it.  I like digging for answers, I just never called it the wait between answers.  I thought wait was something I did sitting in a chair doing nothing not getting what I want, turns out no matter where I'm waiting my mind is going ahead of me, looking for the answer...which is what I want.  I think that every person wants answers and spends a lifetime searching them at a time.  And that is a part of what this journey we call life is...a series of searching for answers, the wait while you search, and then thanking God for the answers when we find them.   Life is good...God is great.

My Prayer:  Help us Lord to seek, to wait, to find and to learn.  You have truly made life fun. 

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day

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