Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Sugar Free

Day one of my sugar free choice yeilded me a powerful headache, thankfully a good nights sleep has restored my head to normal, well as normal as it gets.  For those of you who suffer with headaches I feel so bad for you, I get them once in a very rare while and I seriously do not enjoy them.  Ouch!

Todays Question:  "Does pain ever make you wish you'd made a different choice?"

I was looking for sugar after two hours, two pills and no relief.  I didn't want the sugar because I missed it, I think my sugar consumption over the last couple of weeks made me a mini addict.  How quickly the body yearns for what it cannot have, and how hard it is to say no to the sugar when it means pain in the head.  I did not give in, I came home from the farmhouse at 8pm and had a 20 minute nap.  That helped enough to endure the hour and half until bedtime.

I know I'm a pitiful example of suffering in silence.   The world must know.  ;)

I will say that the up side of suffering is the awareness that it brings.  I was very mindful of people with chronic conditions.  I have some friends who suffer often with very painful disorders, arthritis, migraines etc, not nice.  I have watched them endure with such grace.  I whine like a puppy separated from it's mommy for the first time.  Good thing Gord was home to make me tea and give me a massage.  I can't imagine how hard it must be to deal with pain on a regular basis.  My heart and my prayers go out to those who suffer daily.

I learned two things, thanks to my headache, to be more compassionate and pray more for those with chonic conditons, and that when you go to bed with a headache who have bad dreams.  I don't know if that happens all the time because I do not normally suffer with headaches...thank God.  I dreamt a lion was in the field, then in my house, I was watching for him, warning my family and then bamm...he was under my bed.  So I tried to yell to warn Gord, and then Gord, said.  "Huh!"  Apparently I made a loud muffled noise in my dream and in reality.  It woke us both.  It is funny now, at the time I was rather distressed, I imagine Gord was too.  I didn't say anything to him cause I didn't want to wake him anymore than I already had.  I was just really glad he was beside me.  Scary lion, I like them in the wild, just not under my bed.

Conculsion, roaring lions under the bed give you headaches, I'm kidding.  Really I'm glad that I had that headache, it reminds me that not every choice I make is void of suffering.  In order to get what you want out of life you will often have to endure, persevere and yes...suffer.  I don't want anymore headaches, however, I will continue to say no to white sugar and white flour, whether it gives me a headache or not.  I guess that people who have suffered with chronic pain learn to enjoy their lives regardless of what they have to deal with daily.  That is both impressive and inspiring.  I may need to quit being such a baby.

My Prayer:  Strength for the day Lord, regardless of what a day brings forth.

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.

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