Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Nice Changes

It's good when something that always happens..does not happen.  That is what I call a nice change.  Weighed this morning after spending the majority of the day sitting, counseling day, hospital visit and then sat in my chair because I was too mentally exhausted to do much of anythings else.  I did go to the farmhouse and help Gord lift something, fed the birds and came home.  The result of this mornings weigh in is the nice change.  I'm still down 15 pounds, no change is a change this morning because usually after a full day of sitting I swell and I gain.  I have the swelling though so tomorrow could yield another nice change.

Todays Question:  "Do you like changes?"

For the most part people usually answer no, I hear often when I counsel that change is hard, I can't change, he/she won't change, I'm afraid to change and the number one answer to that question....I hate change.  I have been guilty of saying or thinking all of the above.  I looked out my window as I typed todays question, and my mind instantly noted; the weather needs to change.  Turns out I do like change and I'll bet you do too.  In fact I would bet that every single person you know likes and embraces change more than they do anything else in a day.  And you know what else?  I'll bet that just like me, up until right now, they never once thought about how many changes every human being copes with in a day. Yep, those same humans who say they hate change, like me, never realized what a significant part change has in every life.  How the heck did I miss that?

Most women need to change their hair on a regular basis, men don't seem to care.  Men need to change the channel 50 times just in case they are missing something, women like to see what's on before they make the change.  Women change clothes every single day, most hating to wear the same thing twice, my husband would wear the same shirt two days in a row if I'd let him.  I change my mind about the things I want to do all the time and I assure you I don't mind the change.  We pray for the weather to change, actions to change, health to change, finances to change, jobs to change, and hopefully from time to time, ourselves to change.  And yet, ask anyone if they like change and they say no.  Weird!!!

I think I need to make another change and maybe after reading this you do to.  From now on if anyone asks me if I like change I'm changing my answer..."I love change, in fact I'm praying for it now." 

I understand the serenity prayer more today than I ever have.  "God, grant me the serenity....

To accept the things I cannot change;

The courage to change the things that I can;

And the wisdom to know the difference."

Boy has it ever taken me a long time to get that prayer. 

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day...full of change.

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