Saturday, April 10, 2010

Just Laughing

This morning I'm finding myself quite amusing, not sure why but I think that there is something very rejuvenating about laughing at yourself.  I know laughter is good medicine, everyone knows that, well they should.  But sometimes when no one else seems funny, I just get a real kick out of myself and I think it's because I'm slightly odd.  :)

Todays Question:  "What makes you laugh at yourself histerically?"

I personally never know what is going to give me the giggles.  This morning it was a simple game of Family Fued on facebook.  A friend asked me to play a fast money round with them and since I enjoy that game I did.  The question was, "What makes a lifeguard have a bad day on the job?"  I answered, "Someone drowns."  I got buzzed because my friend had the same answer.  I sat trying to think of what else could make a lifeguard have a bad day and bamm the answer came.  "Sand in the shorts."  I quickly typed it.  And then I started to laugh that out of control snorting, crying, hurts my face laugh.  I still laugh when I think of it.  Apparently the "survey says" people didn't agree, I got a zero.  I found that even funnier.  My husband thought I was nuts I'm sure but he couldn't deny it was funny. 

It felt so good to lose it and now I'm smiling.  Just happy and reminded that regardless of all the stuff that swirls around, life is good.  I'm blessed beyond measure, people can bother me, but I'm sure I bother some people too, so...who cares.  It doesn't really matter at the end of the day and it sure won't be an issue for long.  We get so caught up in being bothered that we forget that joy is a choice.  I choose to be happy, I love to laugh, I love to cry, both are very good for the soul.  I think that learning to relax and enjoy every situation would change us all.   Life souldn't be so serious and problems come and then they go...shouldn't we act better during the process.  Shouldn't we start looking for the lesson in the trial with a opposed to grumbling all the while.  I just like to rhyme.  :) 

I truly desire to enjoy the process no matter what it is.

My Prayer:  God help us to rejoice in each day regardless of what it brings forth, help us to remember that the struggles shall pass and the joy will return.  Help us to keep a heart of gratitude at all times and to remember how truly blessed we are.

Be laughing and enjoy this beautiful day.

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