Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Big Underwear

So...yesterday was Tuesday, that's counseling day for me.  I got ready in the morning, like I always do.  I reached into my top drawer, I keep the delicates in that one.  I grabbed a pair of undies that I knew were extra large. I know they are not sexy...they are comfy.  I tried on those jeans Tessa loves that cover a little more than half of my butt.  Let's keep in mind that I'm not a fan of exposing flesh so big underwear is the solution.  However, I could not stand the thought of sitting for hours in those jeans so I changed into some higher ones. underwear still came up over those jeans, now that made me snicker, but who will shirt is longer so it's all good. 

Todays Question:  "Did you know that you feel better in big underwear?"

I've heard all the experts say that sexy undies make you feel amazing and I say...hogwash!  Big underwear makes you feel secure.  Why?  Well I have the answer.  Before I sit for hours I make a stop at the ladies room.  I did what all women do in that room, stood up and proceeded to do up.  I didn't mention that my shirt choice was a pretty lime green tank, with a nice black top on top...that layered look.  It matters, trust me.  I have buttoned up but I'm feeling like my tank top has been tucked in and that's driving me crazy.  I have some slight clusterphobia issues.  So I think I'm pulling my tank top up out of my jeans only to discover that I am yarding my big underwear up.  Now I have a forward wedge...I wiggle a bit but once I know what's happened I'm not that bothered.  I pull down the tank top, adjust the shirt, hand wash, blow dry and I'm headed up the stairs to act professional.  I'm climbing and I'm noticing that my huge underwear is sitting about two inches under my bra.  Now maybe that should bother me but I'm thinking, man do I feel slim.  Everything is secure and held in place.  So ladies, the next time you see six pairs of Jockeys for $5.00 at the cheap store in Invermere, you should buy them.  Don't wear them everyday, but when you need to feel slim and secure, you pull those babies out and then tell me big underwear isn't the answer.  I can assure you, no thong has ever made me feel secure or slim.  Women my size don't need string, they need some serious cotton with a band of elastic playing...hold on to what you got.  :)

What does that have to do with weight loss, everything my freinds it's about how you feel.  And laughing at yourself is good medicine.  Even after counseling day I'm still 15 pounds lighter. 

I'll wear my regulars today, but I think on counseling day I'll stick with my big underwear.  I need to feel secure and held together.

My Prayer:  "Thank you Lord that you hold us, guide and keep us.  I rejoice in your amazing ability to counsel us as we counsel others and I'm so glad that you have given us is good for the bones."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day


  1. love it . . .


  2. You are HILARIOUS!! Bring on the big undies!!

  3. you are hilarious and crazy! So true about the big underwear too.... feels so skinny...

  4. Somebody should have said it looong ago!! You go girl - so proud of you

  5. Hah!!! I love my big undies!!!
