Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Warm Heart

I love this time of year, what a blessed time it is.  Christmas has always been my favorite celebration, nothing better than a birthday party complete with the perfect gift....Jesus. 

Todays Question:  "Do you remember in the busyness why we should have peace?"

I forget sometimes.  Good thing the perfect gift we have keeps on giving. 

It has been a very busy last few days with lots of company and last minute preparations for our up- coming Christmas dinner for twenty four.  I praise God for a husband who cooks the meal and loves doing it.  I'm the clean up crew and it's a big job but I'm so full after the meal that I have to move.  We are a great team and I need to remember that as this busyness is making me a little crazy.  I seem to be having a hard time knowing that this will be the last Christmas we have in this house.  Remember we bought and are rennovating a farmhouse.  We will be in it next year.  Sniff.

I feel so blessed to have what will be a wonderful place to live, I truly do, but...the mother in me knows that this house is filled with memories of all my children growing up.  They won't go away but I love how they are triggered here, in this home.  I love how comfortable I am here, how safe I feel and how this is the home where my Calvin lived before he went home to Jesus.  This is the home where my Tessa and Gordon lived before they got married and moved away.  This is the house God gave us and I have felt so blessed to live here. 

It's time for change I realize and once again I is hard to change when it's so comfortable where you are.  Isn't that a message that could be preached to the masses.  It's why I've been such a tubby bubby for so long, it's comfortable eating what I want.  Woe is me.  I am happy to report I'm still 13 pounds down.

In spite of my moanings I know how truly blessed I am to have a home, my family and our memories.  My heart is warm even though my eyes are a bit moist right now.  I will move forward and God will go ahead of me, He has blessed us so richly in so many ways.  Home is where my heart is and as long as the people I love the most are with me...any house, old or new, feels a little bit like heaven.

Be blessed with a warm heart and a wonderful day.


  1. WOW...Jenny - you made me cried (again). I love you so much & enjoy reading each day your words of wisdom, openess & heartfelt honesty. You have so many behind you & walking beside you to pray for you, encourage you & to love you unconditionally. We are one of those "privledged" families who truly are blessed in know you & your special family! You will make so many new memories ahead & we can be thankful that our old ones will have a precious place in our hearts to reflect back on...just like it was yesterday! Have a wonderful Christmas dear Jenny - you are making such a differance in us all!! God Bless You All Today & Always....WJM

  2. Thanks are so encouraging and it blesses me. Have a great Christmas. :) Love to you and your wonderful family.
