Monday, December 14, 2009

"You Cannot Possess What you Do not Pursue"

I heard that quote yesterday when I was flicking through the channels, John Hagee said it and I love it.  It is so true in so many ways.  I plan on making it one of my favorite quotes so you may hear it again and again.  Or I'll forget it in a few days, at my age that happens alot. 

I find myself amazed at how this pursuit of a healthy lifestyle, and a lighter load for my body to carry, has brought about change in other areas of my life.  I find I'm making several attitude adjustments as a result, nobody will be happier than my husband should I succeed. 

Yesterday we had lunch with the designer, aka my bff Lucie, and our kitchen builder, aka our good friend Henry, aka Lucie's husband.  Both are helping us so much in not only the design and building of our new farm house kitchen but also in keeping order, as opposed to kaos.  I was reminded yesterday that I lack patience, in the kindest way of course.  I want result baby and I want them now, that was my motto.  I'm taking baby steps to get the "p" word into my vocabulary, yep that would be patient, no one ever says that about me, weird hey.  I have accepted the good advice I received and I'm waiting for some other jobs to be done before the hardwood flooring goes down.  Henry says other things should be done first, something about order, go figure.

Todays Question:  "Do I like waiting to see results?"

Answer, not in the least but...I see the benefits, I understand all the whys and I'm willing to give the process a week.  I said I was taking baby steps. 

I realize that this lack of patience can be seen in so many areas of my life.  I hate how slow weight comes off, don't like the speed that some people get things done, can't hardly handle waiting for answers, have been know to mumble about slow people, won't even stand in a big line up, talk to traffic lights, get mad if anyone who I have an appointment with makes me wait more than 5 or 10 minutes, all those things and more send me into a tizzy, or I have a spass, as my children love to call it.  Boy do I need to pursue patience.   It is really something I need to possess.

Funny how I have an abudance of patience for myself...funny in that, PLEASE GOD HELP ME kinda way.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

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