Tuesday, December 1, 2009

God is Greater

I had a horrible dream last night, woke myself up to end it.  Found myself realizing how very strong the enemy is, instantly remembered that God is greater.  No matter what battle you face, be it personal, physical as in eating right, or spiritual...GOD IS GREATER!!!

I was happy Gord was beside me this morning and hadn't left for work yet.  It was good to know he was there but as I pondered how strong this man in my dream was, abusing his wife, his children and pretty much anyone who stood in his way, I realized that Gord couldn't protect me and I certaintly couldn't protect myself.  As my mind pondered how very great God is I remembered King David, how he killed a lion and a bear as he watched over the sheep under his care.  I also remembered how he went to battle Goliath with his sling shot.  I realized that it was not David who killed any of those powerful enemies, it was God.  David knew that no enemy, animal or human was greater than his God.  "You come against me with a sword, a spear and a javelin, I come against you in the name of the living God, the God of the armies of Israel."  He does not even mention his slingshot, he knew it was only the tool God used to deliver him from his enemies and tools are good.

Todays Question:  "How often do you think your husband, your dead bolts, the police or your alarm system will protect you?"

It's just a question from a lady who had a horrible dream about an enemy so strong that guns, multiple officers, and me bending fingers to break them only to discover he didn't care, couldn't stop him from abusing his family.  Nothing helped and no one seemed able to defeat this enemy, this horrid person, who by the way looked just like Gord's favorite home repair man, yep sorry honey it was Holmes on Homes.  It's okay because I know he's a nice man in real life so don't worry.  

My point?  We will all face many enemies and they will all be different.  If it's not lions, bears or Goliaths it will be sickness, depression, anxiety, self-condemnation or any number of other problems or disorders a day can bring forth.  I struggle in so many areas, I'm up and happy one moment, battling to control my emotions the next, blasted life changes, I do know that this too shall pass.  I will get to my destination safe and sound in spite of what happens along the way.

I am a child of the Most High God and I will overcome not by my own strength but by His because God is Greater and I will look to Him.  "No weapon formed against me shall prosper."  "Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world."

I press on knowing He has gone ahead of me.  I'll bet when God looks at me he already sees me fifty one pounds lighter.  I love knowing that God has a plan and He will bring it to fruition.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

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