Monday, November 30, 2009

Marriage and Dieting

These are my thoughts this morning, committing to eat better and get this weight off is alot like committing to your partner in marriage.  I have good days during this process and I've had not so good days, Gord would confirm that also happens in our marriage.  I overindulge on both counts, too much of Gord can be bad for me and too much of me can be bad for him, too much food...same story.  Balance is needed in marriage and in food.  Sometimes my husband is more pleasing to me than a banana split, a jar of Cheez Whiz and a freshly baked loaf of bread, sometimes I need to eat all three of those to curb the anger he seems able to stir up in a second.  I love Gord and I love food.  Both are so satisfying to me and both are necessary for my health and happiness.  Marriage is hard work and eating right is hard both cases the rewards are great.

Todays Question:  "Do you get mad at your husband and instantly look for something to eat like I do?"

I think this morning I have discovered why?  Gord is the person in this world who comforts me the most, and beleive this or not my friends, when I'm not happy with him I look for the second most comforting thing in the world...FOOD!  Okay some of you were not surprised by that answer but I was.  Duh!  I never thought of that before, never put those two things together.  Now that my brain is on I realize that anytime I'm upset with someone I really love, or they are upset with me for that matter, I'm looking in the fridge.  I want to feel better.  I have heard a million times that food equals comfort, I never disected it before, turns out I should have.

So now what?  Well, I'm going to pay attention.  I'm going to remember that Gord, in all his great husband splendor is not the comforter the Holy Spirit is. Jesus left for all of us the only comforter we need.  I am once again asking the Lord for forgiveness.  What a beautiful gift we have waiting with open arms to embrace us.  I'm shutting the fridge and running to the Holy Spirit when I need comfort from now on.  Please help us never to forget how ready you are to comfort and hold us Lord.

Be blessed with a wonderful embrace from the Holy Spirit today.


  1. Great thoughts Jenny! I never realized before now how our moods can dictate our eating habits. May we all run to the Holy Spirit first for our comfort:) Love you - WJM
