Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Does March Equal Spring?

I sure hope it does.  I'm so loving this beautiful weather.  I was in Toronto for a week and the sun did not shine once, I'm sure it was under those clouds but I couldn't see it.  I was reminded of how much I missed the sunshine when the plane broke through the clouds on our way home and I was warmed to the point where this menopausal women had to shut that window.  Good thing we were in the extra leg room bulk head seats, two windows, I did not shut the second one.  It is amazing to me how remarkably different it is above the clouds.

Todays Question:  "Do you ever forget that regardless of what you see the sun is shining?"

I do.  I find this morning that the expression, "She has her head in the clouds.", is a good thing.  I think "she" is trying to remember that the sun is still shining no matter what people or circumstances are telling her.  Last week it was gray and so many things were outside of my control, you should all know by now that I do not like feeling like I'm out of control.  I know in life there is very little that you can control other than yourself.  Just because I know that does not mean I don't fight it.  I'm home now and still have to remind myself that it's all over, the surgery is done, Gord is fine just relax.  Funny how you don't realize how concerened you are until after it's over.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who does that.

I have to tell you that I was very surprised by the sun when the plane broke through the thick clouds.  I instantly nudged Gord and said, "Look honey, the sunshine."  It was like we'd never seen it before.  We both looked out the window amazed.  I'm telling you Gord was reading, it's hard to get him to look up from his book, trust me.  It was one of those moments that just can't be explained.  I'm sure if you asked my husband if he felt everything I did he say something like, "Yep, the sun was shining, nice."  I have learned that moments mean one thing to one person and something completely different to another.  It's all good.  Sunday morning Gord was outside saying what a beautiful day it was, -4, I said honey it's because the sun is shining, did it shine once while we were in Toronto, it was more of a statement than a question, his response was a resounding no.  I assured him the temperatures were warmer but they didn't feel like it because the sky was always gray.  Funny how you don't always know how much you miss something until you get it back. 

I pray that today you'd remember that above the clouds that are your struggles, your trials and your tribulations, the sun is shining.  You may feel out of control like I do often, you may even feel like giving up, please press on.  God set the sun in the sky to remind us of His great power and ability to take the worst of days and turn them into something beautiful.  He will never force you to see the beauty that is behind your clouds, He wants you to remember what you know to be true in spite of those clouds.  God cannot help but shine, His glory is endless and so is His love for you.  Look up today and be amazed by what you cannot see with your eyes but know in your heart.

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.

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