Friday, March 26, 2010

It's About Time

Man this is taking a long time.  I do realize it has alot to do with me, okay everything to do with me, but still.  March is almost over and I'm 13 pounds lighter, that was a happy sight this morning I tell you, its just seems to me that six months to drop 13 pounds is a little pokey.  I had popcorn for supper last night and some of those mini eggs, what a great movie dinner, I was a little concerned that the salt may cause a gain.  Even though I didn't write yesterday my intentions were good, I weighed, was 13 lighter so wasn't avoiding, it just didn't happen.  This morning I was skeptical as I stepped lightly onto the scale, whew!

Todays Question:  "Do you know that it does not matter how you step on that stupid scale, it's still accurate?"

I have to confess that sometimes when I weigh I hold the towel rack, did you know that takes 3 to 5 pounds off.  Feels good to see the scale go in the downward direction so quickly.  I call it a picture of the future.  You should try it, a hand on the wall garners the same result.  I only ever tell you what the scale says hands off though. 

I think maybe I need to find a more positive way of looking at these 13 pounds, if it takes another six months to be 13 pounds lighter then by September 1, 2010 I shoud be 26 pounds lighter.  That sounds so much better.  Then by March 2011, I'll be 39 pounds lighter, then by September 2011 I'll be 52 pounds lighter...and guess what?  I'll be fifty three not fifty one, I may need to change the blog title as I age.  That could work.  It is obviously a two year plan I'm on.  Half a year down, one and half to go.  I sure hope I'm kidding.

No matter my friends, I am happy that for six months I've managed to keep my weight within a pound or two of maintaining what I've to speak.  The 13 pound coat is gone and I do feel better, Dr. Oz says if you lose 5% of your body weight it's changes how you feel and those significant health numbers are drastically reduced.  Check.  I know that once we live in the farmhouse I will be 100% more active than I am now.  That will have to make a long as I don't eat more because I exercise more.  I've done that in the past...working to write a new future here people.  :)

It has been hard to change my view of weight loss, probably the hardest part of this last six months.  I wanted the big numbers, I wanted to be done blogging by now.  Not very realistic of me was it?  Not that I mind blogging just not a fan of doing anything slow.  I type fast, talk fast, think fast, eat fast, and move fast.  Oh...except where exercising is involved...then I'm a regular tortoise.  This has been an exercise in patience for me, something some of you may know I lack.  Normally I'd have quit because I didn't get the results I wanted.  Something else I lack...the ability to commit to myself.  No problem with others...just not so great at waiting for what I want and sticking with the process.  I'm changing, slowly yes, but still changing.

My Prayer:  Lord help us to value ourselves enough to make the changes in our lives that will yeild whatever harvest we desire.  Not motivated by greed but by genuine need. 

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.


  1. Love it. I always exhale when I weigh myself...and hold my know how heavy air can be :)

  2. I never thought about the air...excellent point MistE...I'll stop breathing next time I weigh in. Thanks. :)
