Thursday, July 15, 2010

Early Mornings

Monday to Friday always begin early. My very handsome husband, whose birthday is today, gets up at 5:30am for work. I like the early morning risings because it's when I write. I almost always do my writing, emailing and facebooking early, it's good to have a clear mind for all of the above. I find my mind is the clearest in the morning. I love that the sun shines through my window, most mornings, today is one of them and I love proping myself up to write and looking outside for inspiration. I have yet to find anything as inspirational as the sky.

Todays Question: "Do you ever get lost in fluffy white clouds, imagining pictures or wondering what it would be like to float on one?"

I do and I truly thinks clouds are remarkable. It's probably because they seem so light and carefree and I'm often not.

This process of changing my lifestyle in movement, mentality and eating has been unusual, just like some of the clouds I see, odd and eye opening, heavy and light. On the days when my body feels heavy, I often have dropped weight, on the days when I feel light, I've often gained. Isn't it remarkable that what we feel is not always true. Isn't it funny that we base so much on feelings when just like clouds, they come and go, change shape and lose shape, fill the sky and then wisp across it. Feelings like clouds are fleeting, ever changing and not always what they appear.

When I was a little girl I got to be a co-pilot for my Uncle, he had an airplane and was going to pick up his sons who were hunting. I was so excited and felt so significant. I'd ask a question, he'd answer check, and off we flew into the clouds once all the checks were in. It was my first time in a plane and I remember seeing a beautiful cluster of clouds, I wanted to fly through them. My Uncle explained to me that if we did we would crash. Those beautiful fluffy white thick clouds held one very powerful storm that could down a large plane, never mind our little 4 seater Sessna. I remember being amazed by that...I've never forgotten it. It was likely the first time I realized that things are not always what they appear to be. I still thought those clouds were remarkable but I no longer wanted to fly into them. Avoidance and admiration can mix.

I think this morning I need to remember what I learned those 40 or so years ago as I flew for the first time. I may feel like doing something, it may seem like a great idea at the time, however, once I know better wisdom demands that I make the right choices.

My Prayer: "Lord help us to get wisdom, to get understanding, and then make the right choices. Help us to remember that faith is evidence of things hoped for and not seen and that feelings are not always dependable...but You are!"

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

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