Thursday, July 1, 2010

Losing Ground

I've discovered this morning that the terms gaining ground and losing ground have dual meanings, in regard to the positive or negative aspect of things. I am now loosing ground, which means the ground I gained, or should I say the pounds I gained, are now losing ground. I'm still at two pounds up from my sixteen pound drop, however, the upward motion of the scale is losing ground and I can see that one of those pounds is almost gone. Yahoo.

And...Happy Canada Day to all my fellow Canadians, to my American readers I say a Happy 4th of July as well, in advance. I love this Country and I know exactly how blessed I am to have been born here. I've seen eleven different countries and I still get the most amazing feeling everytime the pilot tells us we have entered Canadian airways. Truly there is something so powerful about coming home, I can't imagine how great heaven will be.

Todays Question: "Would you post me a comment and tell me why you love your country?"

It does not have to be long. Pretend you have to give one answer, you can make it a longer sentence, just remember it will be read by others so give them one sentence that will make them want to see your Country. I will give a prize for the answer I think is best. I'm not telling the prize, but if you know me, I give good presents. :)

My one sentence; "Canada is a country of extraordinary beauty, the thing I like the very most is living in a Country where I feel protected and cared for on so many levels."

I could say more, but I can't win this contest so I won't. Be assured I know that Canada rocks.

I plan to celebrate this day for the most part in my heart. Truly I would not have wanted to be born anywhere else, and I hope that you all feel the same way about your Country.

My Prayer: "All things are created by you Lord, this is truly a remarkable place you have made for us. Thank you for each Country, bless the land and it's people."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day



  1. I love Canada because it is home to the best people in the world - my wonderful family and friends. And besides that, it's just so pretty.

  2. Even though you did the draw early, I'll still post because I just caught up...

    Canada is so amazing and I love it because of many reasons... just a couple include the diversity and beauty of the land and the people, the potential that is here for greatness, and also the pride (though not as overt as our neighbors to the South) that is so solid and strong among our people!

    "...God keep our land glorious and free..."


  3. I love my country because of the people who live here :) (Hope I'm not too late for the prize draw).
