Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Safety Zone

Todays Question: "Why do I feel so comfortable at 15 pounds?"

It would appear that I'm liking where I am right now based on the evidence, I'm still 15 pounds lighter, I've seen a glimpse of 18 and looked away at lightning speed so I could return to my "safety zone". What a whacko!

Seriously, I know how to get this weight off, I've seen what I can do when I set my mind. Honestly don't seem able to set my mind, knowing full well I'm the only one who can. Knowing I want this, and denying myself.

2nd Question: "Why do I so successfully deny myself in one area and not the other?"

Oh answers...answers...where art thou answers? This is a life issues, not just a weight issue. There are so many gifts I have and waste, so many talents I've buried in the ground. I think about them, in the same way I think about exercise, when I'm in bed or somewhere I can safely say, "I'll get to that tomorrow." Why am I putting off my own successes? Why do I wait for another day, a better day, a more convienient day, a less busy day, etc. Why, why, why...oh questions, questions, questions, I always know where thou art.

I need a SNAP OUT OF IT MOMENT!!!! AHA...not working for me. I need to effectively learn how to be self-motivated in some new areas, I've got the old ones down. Just so you know I don't think I'm a total loser, I motivate when the desire hits, quite easily actually, however, motivating when the desire is met with a greater desire, I sits. Example, ride horses, motivated and do it, exercise, think about it, know I should do it, don't. Desire! Powerful word, even more powerful motivator.

Final Question: "How does one inspire desire for the things one does not like?"

I'm going to find out, if you have the answer let me know, could save me some time.

My Prayer: "Once again, it's help I need, it's help we all need. In our struggles Lord help us to remember you are a very present help, one more thing I just love about You."

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day


  1. I could have almost written this post, about latent talents, motivation, and desire. It's safer not to try. I heard a saying recently: A ship is safest in the harbour, but that's not what the ship was built for. I seem unable to get out of my safe harbour.

  2. I love that quote Joanna...I need to sail. Thks.
