Friday, July 30, 2010

I Tasted Edmonton

Those of you who live in Edmonton, or have, know what that means. It was time for the yearly food celebration downtown and I tasted and it was good. However, it was too much food. And yet, praise God, I'm hugging the 15 pounds lighter as close as you can get to the line. So until I'm actually on that line I'm still claiming 14 lbs down. Be assured that I'm very happy to see any movement that is not upward on that blasted scale.

Todays Question: "Why am I always blaming the scale?"

In spite of all that tasting these are things I'm most happy about. What I didn't like or want, I got rid of. Either gave it away or threw it out. Shocking I know, last year I'd have eaten it. What I wasn't happy about...immediately after tasting Edmonton I wanted to taste Sherwood Park, I didn't get icecream downtown so I really felt I should visit the Wendy's for one of those most wonderful and delightful Frosties. Oh I like those. But thanks to my beautiful daughter, I did not go to Wendy's. At the time I wasn't thanking her, but I am now. She said something about being full, I'm still trying to figure out how that relates to icecream, normally she tells me we have a different stomach for desserts. :)

I have been slowly getting a grip on the feeding frenzy I seemed to be on, my reality brain seems to be kicking in. I still wish the millions of mosquitos in Edmonton sucked fat, but since that's not likely to happen I'll endeavor to keep making better choices. Please note it's easy to know what you should do and so much harder to do it.

My Prayer: "Help us when we won't help ourselves. Teach us when we know the lessons and have the answers to apply them."

That has been the hardest part of this journey, knowing and not doing. Oh dear!

Be Blessed with a Wonderful Day

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