Saturday, July 17, 2010

Please Be Different

Let's be differnt today, let's silence those people who say that different is a bad thing. I'm embracing my differences and this morning we'll relate it to food, eating, moving and emotions. Here we go;

I like to eat, I don't like to overeat. What's different...I thought I liked both.

I'm not a fan of planned exercise, I absolutely love unplanned exercise. What's different...I sad the words love and exercise in the same sentence.

There are foods I don't like. Shutup!!! That's different and if fully analyzed can make a person realize that they need to really think about whether what they are eating is something they totally enjoy, otherwise, why eat it?

Todays Question: "Why waste calories on something you don't truly enjoy?"

Todays Answer: "Because we think eating anything is better than not eating." So not true, I've discovered that if I wait to eat what I like, instead of eating whatever is in front of me...I have made a conscious much better and so different for me. I confess to eating blindly, whether I liked the food or not, my plan is to never do that again unless I'm actually starving to death. Some of you know that would not actaully happen for 3-5 months. I've got some stored fat, sadly that's not different...yet. :)

Sit down because this one's different and shocking. If you go to a friend instead of a chocolate bar, cake, icecream, etc., for comfort, you will actually feel better. You will not have a flash flood of negative words directed at yourself by yourself after you eat your emotions. You will not go from needing comfort to self-loathing, you will not spend the evening asking yourself why you over-ate, missing completely that you tried to feed your feelings...without feeling them. We are feeling people, all of difference, even sitting on your own, thinking through what you are really feeling will be different, and different is good, and in this case productive. Feel it people...feel will not kill will enable you to make a difference...not just in your lives but in others...and that my friends is what we are here for.

Make a difference!!! You struggle now so you can help someone else later. You grow as a person so you can help others grow when they need to. You cannot avoid change, you cannot change the fact that you are different, you were created that way. Different is good. God made millions of snowflakes, all unique, no two the same. Snowflakes are reminders to humans...we are one of kind. Why act like someone else. Why want someone elses body, looks, brains, etc. What you have sets you apart, make you different, makes you a masterpiece, only one in the world. Amazing.

My Prayer: "Thank you for making us all in your image, beautiful, different, funny, quirky, funky, nerdy, cool and so many other wonderful descriptives. You make no mistakes Lord and I'm so glad we are all different. Different is exciting, different is never boring and that makes your world so remarakble...all that's in it...fascinating. I love different and I love you."

Be Blessed with a Wonderfully Different Day


  1. Calling a friend instead of eating? Great idea! Since I usually eat when I'm bored, lonely, or procrastinating. I should post a list of my friends to call on my pantry and fridge.

  2. You are brilliant Joanna to a pretty life...just brilliant. :)
