Friday, November 6, 2009

Blankity, blank, blank, blank.

Nope, I'm not swearing.  Just sitting here at 6:47am wondering what I want to say today.  Wishing I could come up with something so wonderfully profound that I could turn my whole journey into a fabulous success and in the process help others to do the same.  That is my goal, helping myself and hopefully helping others as well. 

And still the screen is blank.  Maybe blank isn't the problem, hungry is.  I'm not usually this hungry first thing in the morning, maybe it's because we went to bed at 9pm.  I'ts likely my brain has convinced my body that I may starve to death if I don't eat has been almost 10 hours.  Oh dear...I'll be right back.

Today's Question:  "Do you married ladies like it when you discover that your husband is right?"

Answer, I don't think I do.  I went downstairs to get something to eat, remember.  That was over ten minutes ago.  On my way down I thought I'd check the garage door to be sure Gord remembered to shut it, he's been known to forget.  I noticed the closet doors in the laundry room were open so I thought, I'll take all the ironed shirts up to our room.  Wonderful, that's done.  I walked into the kitchen and couldn't help but notice it was a mess.  My husband cooked supper last night, enough said.  I started to clean the ktichen.  I wiped the counters, unloaded the dishwasher, loaded the dishwasher.  Changed my mind about the yogurt I went downstairs for and grabbed an apple instead. I used my wonderful apple thingy to cut it into sections with one push, thought about a cup of tea.  Turned the kettle on while I did some more cleaning and then when it boiled made a cup of tea.  Refilled the kettle because it bothers me when it's empty.  Bear with me...I'm making a point.  My tea had steeped long enough, poured it into my travel mug, put my apple into a bowl, was about to check to be sure the dog had enough food, and then the word that had been swirling around in my head for about ten minutes came back to mind....again.  What's that word?

Sidetracked.  My husband has been telling me for years that I get sidetracked all the time.  I have denied it and explained it quite well for years.  And this morning, as I reach for another section of the apple it took me over ten minutes to get, I'm painfully aware of the fact that he is right.  Oh for crying outloud.  I mean really, who needs to deal with that first thing in the morning. 

What does that have to do with my weight loss journey, you may have wondered.  Well, everything it turns out.  I get sidetracked.  I want to get rid of fifty one pounds, no surprise I have again reached the ten pound mark, down a pound, what has been the cause of all my problems?  I get sidetracked.  I go to Africa to help others, I help myself to every fried food the country has to offer.  Sidetracked.  I have a goal and a plan, Halloween comes, I eat more little chocolate bars in a four day period than I would ever eat the rest of the year...sidetracked. I feel sad, I reach for food, I feel glad, I reach for food, I want results and they don't happen fast enough, I should exercise, I'd rather eat, all of those things paint a beautiful picture of what it is to be sidetracked.  Yikes!

So now what?  I have to stop this, I can't have my husband being right about something, this is serious, it means I've been wrong.  I'm going to stop writing now, finish my apple, drink my tea and see if I can find a way out of this mess.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.


  1. Great inspiration you are Jenny. Thanks for sharing & helping us all with that "word"....oh ya, being sidetracked! Got a million things on the go today & you've nailed it right on...Must go now & boil some water for tea while I sort thru my day in high hopes of accomplishing lots, like thing at a time:) Love you & praying for you often...WM P.S. You have such a humorous way of telling a story which hits to the heart of the matter. I love it!!!

  2. Oops...I mean "ONE" thing at a time. I guess I was abit sidetracked!
