Wednesday, November 11, 2009


As all my Canadian friends know, today is Rememberance Day.  It is a stat holiday in our Country and I'm so proud we acknowledge and give honor to the people who purchased our Countries freedom with their lives.  War is not for the faint in heart and I know if our freedom somehow got into my hands, we'd be hooped, as the basketballers say.  So I praise God for those who are called to protect, which leads me to...

Todays Question:  "Shouldn't we have a stat holiday that honors the police, firemen, prison guards, our military and any other man or woman who willingly put their lives on the line to protect us?" 

I am so grateful that I live in a Country where I can pick up a phone and get help.  I'm so glad that so many  are called to protect.  I am a chicken, some of you may not know that about me, there is no way I would run into a burning building, in fact I seldom run.  I would not go into a dark room looking for a bad guy, I would not guard the murderers in prison, I'd be too afraid of seeing something gross if I were an ambulance driver and I'd be way too nervous to fight in a war.  I can't stand seeing people in pain, I don't like the thought of having a gun if someone was rude to me because they were speeding.  Not sure what I'd do with too much power, not sure I want to find out. 

We are so blessed to have so many wonderful people called to serve.  My brother-in-law Dave is a police man, he absolutely loves it.  When he talks to my husband or son about things he deals with I have to leave, can't even stand to hear about the things he sees from day to day.  Makes me sick to my stomach just thinking about how many horrible situations he's dealt with.  And yet, I have this overwhelming sense of gratitude that God has called people like Dave to do what others could not.  I am so grateful for the people who serve and grateful.  I hope you are too.

This is a weight loss journal so I am the same weight again, down ten pounds.  I exercised last night for fifteen minutes and amazingly lived to tell about it.   I'm pressing on in spite of the slow motion movie I seem to be the star of.  I will see results, I have great faith.

I pray that today you remember not just those who died for our freedom but those who continue to fight for it.  Not only those in the military fighting foreign enemies but those in our own country who have the misfortune of protecting us from our own people. 

God bless the men and women who protect over their lives as they watch over ours.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

Lest we forget!

1 comment:

  1. Nice blog Jen...much appreciated !!! Please continue to pray for all of us called to this particular mission field, we definitely need them. For example, today I was nearly run down by a drug addicted prostitute in a speeding truck who didn't want anything to do with the police. When I finally apprehended her, I used it as a chance to witness. Coincidence or God appointed meeting? I choose the later ! I look forward to more opportunities like this but I could do without the close call !

    Thanks again for all your love and support,
