Friday, November 13, 2009


The good news is, no scale at the condo.  Can you hear the glorious shouts of freedom ringing through the BC mountains across the peaks and valleys to the plains of Edmonton.  I bet you can.  I feel like a weight has been lifted this morning and I don't have to write according to the numbers on that scale.

Todays Question:  "Do three mornings of freedom mean louder screams on the fourth?"

Oh I hope not.  I think I have figured out that the common denominator in my weight gains after vacations  Blast I wish I could find some other cause that would declare my innocence to all, unfortunately I'm the problem.  Turns out I've always been the problem and if I don't make changes I will return home, once again, at the end of a wonderful break to a scale that only seems able to move in the upward direction.  At that point I will hurl the scale from the second storey of my home in a fit of rage.  I will then need to go back to Costco to purchase another scale and that will annoy me because as much as I'd like to pretend the scale I own is a liar, the luggage I weigh before travel always weighs exactly the same at the airport as it does at home, stupid truth telling scale. 

I plan to pray more this weekend, before during and after meals.  I plan to be more physically active, I plan to enjoy myself and dare I say, I plan to "not" let this little break finds its focus on food.  I'll focus on other things, for example:

1.  People and conversation.  I found it remarkable that I didn't eat a ton of snacks on the way down, I talked with my husband from Beaumont to Radium, almost non-stop, and for a change I wasn't the only one talking.  Amazing what you can learn if you shut your mouth.

2.  I didn't start eating when I walked into the condo, I decorated it for Christmas instead.  It was so much fun and I'm still enjoying it this morning.  Unlike over-eating, only pleasant during, not after.

3.  I'm going to go walk in these beautiful mountains, instead of just looking at them from the car window.  Well I'm going to walk on the roads, I'm too chicken to walk with the mountain sheep.

4.  I'm going to make a very big effort to find better things to do than eat.  I hope you know that was hard for me to write, it's hard for someone like me to come up with better things to do than eat.

5.  I'm going to reward myself with good behavior.  Truly, acting properly is rewarding.

6.  And I'm going to see if I can find others to bless

Those are my goals for this weekend, I will to make them reality.

Be blessed with a wonderful day and God help you to reach your goals.


  1. Thanks Jenny! Enjoy your w/k away with Gord. Hugs to both of you from Dit & I. Praying that you will reach your goals this beautiful week-end away...and that you will also be rewarded with a pleasant surprise when you arrive home back to Beaumont. Your efforts are never in vain. God Bless You:) Love WJM
