Wednesday, November 4, 2009

What really matters?

Todays question is as the title only I add, "What really matters to you?"

This process of weight loss has me taking a closer look at the things that really matter to me and the things that don't.  After my chocolate binge I can honestly tell you, that did not really matter to me.  I felt no great sense of accomplishment, felt no happiness and got no help from those yummy little bars to lose fifty one all.  I did something insignificant to avoid feeling.  I dove into what didn't matter so I didn't have to look at what did. 

I need to refocus and a good way to do that is to list what really matters, so here is my list:

It matters to me that my children/grandchildren are happy and healthy, and that I respect them.
It matters to me that my husband and I are together and although there are days when I'm not happy with his actions, I love him so much and will continue to work on our marriage...till death do us part. (I'm certain there are days when he's not so enamoured with me either.)
It matters to me that I succeed as a  wife, a friend, a mother and a child of God.
It matters to me that my actions are worth imitating.
It matters to me that I share.
It matters to me that I practice and give unconditional love.
It matters to me that I take care of my body, in every way and that is why I can longer abuse it.
It matters to me that I serve all the people I love in a positive way.
It matters to me that I am honest, although I have to watch the so called "stretching of the truth" at times.
It matters to me that every person in my life knows they are valued for who they are.

I could go on, but does it matter?  I know you get my point.  I am a work in progress and the biggest hinderance to that work is me.  I have no excuses and no one to blame, it truly matters to me that I hold myself accountable.  When I was a very young Christian God reminded me one day, when I was busy blaming everyone elses actions for my mood, that I only answer for how I act.  Although I thought I had some great reasons for my behavior, I wanted my kids to follow Jesus in the exact way I did, I wanted everyone to love Jesus exactly like I did, I wanted everyone to read their bibles and I really wanted everyone to be nice and treat people well.  Sounded wonderful to me, problem is, it's not realistic, it arrogant, it's disrespectful, etc.  Everyone has their own path, every person is a unique and wonderful creation, everyone is different.  And some people, just act bad and I can't fix it, not my problem to fix.  Thank God.

It seems that I was measuring everyone by what mattered to me.  I forgot that people were not created in my image, can't even begin to explain why that would be a good thing on any level.  I was immature, I have since learned that in order for me to truly obtain what matters to me, I must follow God.  He equips me, carries me, forgives me, and loves me...perfectly.  There is not one thing in this world or any other, that matters more to me than my relationship with God through Jesus and the Holy Spirit.  Not one thing.

That relationship has taught me the greatest lesson that I believe any person can learn...I matter.

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

1 comment:

  1. Jenny, I love your open heart and humility. You bet you matter! You are one of the most beautiful people I know, a gift from God to myself and sooo many people. Every step of the journey IS the journey. Enjoy that daily walk.

    love you so much,
