Sunday, November 22, 2009


There are so many things that inspire me, and here I sit thinking what will inspire my writing this morning?  I'm searching my mind and coming up a little short.  It's days like these that make me wish I could get these fifty one pounds off quickly, the thought of coming up with something worthwhile to write for what could be a year is daunting to say the least.  I'm happy to report that I can stand firmly on the scale and I'm staying at that ten pound loss.  I am slowly becoming more active.

Todays Question:  "Was that last sentence an oxymoron?"

I'm sure it was close.  I can honestly tell you that having to lose the same ten pounds no less than four times during this process makes me feel like a  moron.  I guess this is a lesson in perseverance for me, I have quit many times in the past when I saw pounds coming back, not sure what I thought that would "gain" me, other than weight.

Learning to look inward and quitting the blame game is helping me during this process, more than I expected it would.  I no longer sit and feel sorry for myself, I'm not blaming my genetic make up, my husband on those "rare" days in bugs me, my children for growing up and moving out, my friends for being skinny, my dog for being equally as inactive as I am and never gaining a pound.  I'm not mad at skinny people who overeat and stay slim anymore, I'm not eating when I'm upset, I'm not reaching for food the second I walk in the door.  I've discovered I won't die if I'm a little hungry, I still don't like to miss a meal though.  I don't pray for closer parking spots, I see the positives in exercise, okay let me just say that is shocking to say the least.  Postives in exercise, now there is an oxy moron for ya. 

Seriously, I'm changing and even though the results are slow and I'm to blame, I'm moving forward and I'm not quitting.  I gave myself no outs when I made this commitment to lose this weight.  I look at it like my marriage, I'm committed to my husband on the days when he makes me so happy and on the days when I have an overwhelming urge to place my hands on his neck and squeeze, not till he dies, just till he passes out.  People are quiet when they pass out.  I am in my marriage by choice and 99% of the time I love being married.  I can't tell you I love this weight lose process even 10% of the time, but I made a choice and I committed to it, so I'm in it until I finish. 

Life is a series of lessons and I may actually be learning that self-denial is beneficial.  That is inspiring!

Be blessed with a wonderful Sunday....remember how truly good God is.

1 comment:

  1. WOW Jenny....what an inspiration you are to us all:) Look how far you've come, baby! It may seem slow at times, but really the way you are allowing yourself to be changed on the inside as first priority in your life, will make you all the more successful at losing inches & weight. You are going at it very wisely. When you see areas in your life that need to be redirected & changed, you are willing to be changed. That is the majority of the roadblocks that keep us from winning those battles in our lives. Keep it up & know that we are all with you in support & prayers. Remember Jenny, you are helping us so much too <3 WJM
