Friday, January 8, 2010


I'm not a fan of those morning when I wake up after three or four hours of sleep feeling like it's time to get up.  I don't mind being wide awake and I do find I get lots done when I get up so early, I just don't like how I feel after and the pull of my bed on my body at about 6am gets a little intense. 

Todays Question:  "Why can't my desire to exercise be so intense?"

It has been so much easier for me to adjust how I eat than it has been to incorporate exercise into this lifestyle change I decided to make.  What was I thinking?  It seems I want to enjoy every single thing about this process and since I don't enjoy exercise that part is not going so well.  I confess to you now that when I post walking under my exercise section I include to the fridge, to the kitchen, from the house to the garage.   When I say I stretched I mean I laid in my bed and did some stretches, once I stood up and touched my toes, yes I have always been able to do that with straight legs and unbent knees.  Remarkable I know!  I'm so desperate to post I exercised that I include housework, chasing Zayin, he's walking and sadly so is Grandma.  Why are we so excited when they start to walk?  Could someone explain that.  I've been know to write that I did rennovations, I meant if sweeping up the mess after them counts.  I think I actually went on one of our many pieces of exercise equipment once since I started this blog.  I have taken a couple walks but maybe that's not noteworthy since I've been blogging for four months. 

Have you ever heard anything so pitiful.  I hope so because if you haven't I'm a lost cause.  I can't tell you how many times I lay in bed at the end of the day thinking; tomorrow morning I'm going to exercise.  My mind wanders and I actually beleive that I'll do one of many fabulous things to get in shape.  By the time I've have a good nights sleep reason has returned and I'm so over that. 

I thought about hiring a trainer but that's way too personal for me.  No one needs to see what happens to my body parts on the eliptical trainer.  We won't even talk about what I look like doing Yoga...poor Chantel has worked out with me.  She's a saint. 

I have got to find a way to work out that won't feel like exercise.  I'm looking for suggestion and yes, I am painful aware of how pitiful I am when it comes to exercising.  Please note I have more equipment and videos than I can obviously use.  :)

Be blessed with a wonderful day.


  1. How about walking briskly with a good friend? Wish we were closer...
