Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Clean Underwear!

Yesterday I went to Calgary with my husband and like I do every morning, after the bath, I got dressed.  Yep I'm going there...I did something different.  It is not the first time I've ever done it but it certainly does not happen often.  I put my underwear on inside out.  I stood for a second thinking who is going to see it.  Who cares was my initial reaction and I almost made it for like two minutes before I fixed the problem.   This seemingly unimportant detail caused me to think about appearances.  And good mothers of course, like myself, made sure the children had clean and hole free undies.  Just in case. 

Todays Question:  "Just in case what?" 

Would our mothers really have been more concerned about how perfect the underwear looked or how we were if we had been in a car crash.  Are we really to beleive that a mom standing over a injured child would check the underwear first.  I hope not.  But then I wouldn't leave the house with backward undies so who am I to say.

All of those silly thoughts got me thinking about how much outward appearances affect our lives.  Tessa my most beautiful daughter has given up wearing make-up for 40 days.  One of her University classes required her to make a choice to give up something she was addicted too.  I'm so grateful that her addiction is make-up and not something worse.  I'm not sure I could do that so I'm most impressed, not only with her decision not to chose something easy but with her committment to stick to it.  I need to learn from my daughter...once again.  Remember my freinds children are our greatest teachers, no matter their age. 

I preach loving the inside but I adjust the outside.  I preach giving up the things that bind us, I keep going back to old habits.  I came very close this morning to changing my blog from a weight loss journal to a spiritual journey.  It is in fact both, but I wanted to skip the weight loss part because I gained a pound.  Four hours in the car and a visit with my mom and dad...too much sitting and not too much food, but too much of the foods I don't normally eat, like pork chops.  If I'd have just thought about the name of that meat for a moment I wouldn't have eaten it. 

I'm sad to report that I am still too focused on the outward appearances and not adjusting my lense to look inside.  I knew when I was eating french fries for lunch that was not the best choice, but I was with my mom and dad and so I went back to being a child in a restaurant with my parents, having what I wanted but maybe not what I needed.  Why do I have to keep learning the same lessons over and over again?  I know the answer...I love the outward appearance of french fries and pork chops.  Kidding.  I make the wrong choices and put my commitments aside.  I need to stop that.

I'm stating the obvious here...I made it back from Calgary safe and sound, praise God, and no one would have know if my underwear was inside out or not.  No one but me that is.  So if I'm so concerned about the hidden outward things, shouldn't I be equally concerned about the inward parts of my body that are not given such attention.  Like my heart while I'm porking down on pork chops.  God help me to be inwardly focused. 

Be blessed with a wonderful day.

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