Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Thank God!

Seriously!  I'm so grateful that this morning I am two pounds lighter, it feels so much better than five pounds heavier.  I made better choices, ate less and exercised for two and half hours.  Sounds impressvie doesn't it.  I was painting at the farm house, but let the record show that I sweated cause it's hard work packing this chubby body up and down the step stool.  Yikes!

Todays Question:  "Will it take me the same amount of days to take off those extra pounds as it did to gain them?"

Time will tell.  From the Thursday morning when we arrived in Victoria till the Monday morning when I stepped on the scale back in Beaumont totalled 4 full days, so I have three days to lose three pounds.  If I paint everyday it could happen.  Okay I may have to eat less as well.

I'm not as angry with myself as I probably should be so I'm going to have to watch that.  I have this I'm on vacation mentality that could be dangerous.  Either I have to keep my vacations to four days max or I have to get a grip on this now.  Can you imagine how much heavier I would be if Gord and I took a month long vacation.  I'd have to change the name of my blog to ninety one pounds, I have to stop...I can't handle the truth.

I need to continue to force myself to exercise, force is the right word.  I need to eat less, stay away from the chocolate stores, remember how much better I feel with less weight to pack around, and last but not least, how much more I like shopping for clothes.  It feels so good to not be so squished into my jeans.  Do you think a person could die from tight jeans?  My mom always got mad at us if we put an elastic band around our wrist.  She said it would cut off our circulation.  I imagined my wrist would just fall off one day when I least expected it.  No chance I could pinpoint rolls around the waist and have them fall there?  Wishful thinking I know.

I'm happy to be on a downward spirial, I'll work hard to make sure it continues.  I don't mind if you pray for me, I have to watch that "comfortable" monster that tries to keep me where I am.

Be blessed with a Wonderful Day.


  1. you do retain water when you fly, eczema girl. i'm guessing that's the major cause of the 5lb's and should wear itself off completely in a couple days. also, you very well could have gained a pound of muscle.

  2. You are funny's my pitting "edema" right. I love you.
