Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Day eight and working through a little disappointment.  I weighed this morning after spending the majority of a four day weekend eating smart and getting lots of exercise.  Down one pound.  I wanted to say stinkin pound, but refrained, trying to remember a pound of butter is alot of fat.  I feel so much lighter and I know that's a good thing.  Just wanted that stupid scale, oops scale, to say down four pounds.  Not sure why but I'm guess I was hoping for a pound a day.  Not a reasonable expection I realize but it was my expectation.

My expectations of my progress regarding my weight lose are obviously too high.  Question of the day:

"Why do I think I can lose 34 years worth of accumulated fat in such a short time?"

The answer for me, brain freeze.  Can't come up with a better reason than that for thinking I should see rapid results.  I have lost and found hundreds of pounds over the years so I should know by now that quick weight lose means quick weight gain.  The two go hand in hand.  So now what?  I have to be happy with the pound I've lost.  I need to remember that four day weekends have turned into ten pound gains for me on previous trips.  Holidays have always meant weight gain for me, with the exception of one.  Went to Egypt with my BFF Lucie for the missionary organization I run, lost nine pounds I'm sure from sweating in the heat, found most of it before I got home in Holland.  Other than that, I can gain weight in any country, on any type of food and under any condition. I'm sure I could gain weight eating airplane food, and they don't give you much anymore. 

So, here is what my expectation should have been.  Eat well, be active and be happy.  Don't let the trip's weight lose or gain ruin your vacation.  Yep.  I never gained any weight, I lost a pound.  I didn't fall apart like I always have in the past.  I skipped the road trip junk that has been a constant traveling companion.  At no time did I eat until I felt sick.  I went away for four days and I came hom a pound lighter.  Remarkable accomplishment.  I even ate a banana split for supper once.  Wow.  I lost a pound.  I'm so proud of myself and so happy that I didn't crash and burn.  On so many levels.

I would rejoice with any person who did that.  So I must rejoice when the person is me.

"Rejoice with those who rejoice.."  I'm sure God meant I should rejoice with myself over my success as well.

Have a blessed day and rejoice with someone today...even yourself. 

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