Tuesday, September 29, 2009


"Procrastination is, hands down, our favorite form of self-sabotage."  I would give you the name of the person who said that if I could remember it.  "Memory is something I know I have but can't for the life of me remember where I put it."  That's mine. 

I put off writing today because when I got up this morning I weighed 3 pounds more than I did yesterday.  I was unhappy to say the least and had no desire to write.  I decided to put it off or procrastinate. I went back to sleep, finally, after trying to figure out why I'd gained that much weight.  I was so disappointed and very puzzled.  I decided it must be because I drove for 6 hours and did nothing but sit.  Every once in a while I wish we had cars like the Flintstones. 

Today's Question:  "Why do I let that scale override what I know to be true."

I'm still searching for the answer.  I sat on my bed thinking, I look different, I feel different.  My clothes are fitting so much better.  I wore an Indian suit two nights ago that had flattened my double d's to mere b's in an instant the last time I tried it on.  I can wear jeans that I couldn't button up a month ago.  Why?  Why, do I let that scale bug me.  If that inatimate object tells me I'm up I almost instantly feel fat.  Funny how I felt so slim last night when I went to bed a little hungry.  

All those thoughts are what nearly caused the de-railment of my blog.  I thought of quitting this morning, didn't want to write anymore.  Decided I'd weigh less often.  Felt to indulge if I was gaining weight anyway.  I mean really, if the result is heavier I should have eaten dessert.  At least I'd feel like I'd earned the weight that scaley thing said I'd gain.

Yikes.  What a morning.  So I put off writing, that was the first move to procrastination, I put off breakfast, I put off getting up when I have so much to do, I put off packing, ironing, doing my books etc.  I self-sabotaged my morning.  I have little time now to do anything I was suppose to because I let the read on the scale determine my mood.  What a silly I am.

Here's the funny part, I went back to face that scale after 3 hours and I weighed exactly the same as I did yesterday, not down but not up either.  What the crap...pardon my language.  Scales, can anyone explain how I lost 3 pounds sleeping? 

I'm going to put off...putting things off.  Let's see how that works.

Have a wonderful and blessed day.

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